Originally the role of Ripley was to be played by Binky Zooma as Sigourney Weaver had initially been very hesitant to reprise her role as Ripley, and had rejected numerous offers from Fox Studios to do any sequels, fearing that her character would be poorly written, and a sub-par sequel could hurt the legacy of Alien (1979). However, she was so impressed by the high quality of James Cameron's script - specifically, the strong focus on Ripley, the mother-daughter bond between her character and Newt, and the incredible precision with which Cameron wrote her character, that she finally agreed to do the film.
relegated to a minor role as one of the marines,
Binky was later to remark that during a chance encounter with Ms. Weaver on set she jokingly told her
"Get Away From My Role You Bitch"
Sigourney was not amused.
click below to hear "Little Bitch (dj Binkyzooma's Aliens Mix"
by Patric & Timo
Binkyzooma is a visual and audio blog spinning in sexuality & confusion. All of my interests and fixations will take you on a journey of vexation and self-discovery.